Saturday, April 26, 2008

The rats jump ship

As a sure indication that The NuLabour ship is looking increasingly dead in the water, NuLab "special advisers" are said to be passing their CVs to headhunters in record numbers. Not wishing to stick around for the inevitable dousing, like the proverbial rats, Labour's spin doctors are reportedly pouring over the rails in an attempt to save their rotten little hides when Captain Brown takes the SS New Labour to the bottom with all hands.

But interestingly, sources within executive recruitment in London are saying that it's actually job hunters with sound Conservative connections that are being snapped up. Clearly, the City thinks the writing's on the wall for Comrade Brown and his incompetent hordes. The thought of the job centre queues being swelled by these poisonous Labourite vermin is gratifying indeed.

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