Monday, April 21, 2008

Prescott makes me sick (as well)

I am not normally one to gloat on the misfortunes or afflictions of others. Yet the temptation to lay into John Prescott over the revelation of his history of bulimia is pretty overwhelming. Had it been anyone even remotely civilised that had been thus afflicted, common decency would naturally stay the hand of chastisement. However, this is no civilised person. This is Prescott Two Jags, possibly the most useless politician ever to walk the Earth; a much-reviled titan of ineptitude that squandered vast amounts of our cash in a catalogue of hair-brained initiatives; a bully, a cheat and liar; a man far more interested in availing himself of every possible benefit and convenience, at tax payer's expense, than doing anything remotely useful.

Prescott is an odious human being. Against my better nature, I am curiously satisfied to learn of the corpulent northern twat's personal difficulties. Couldn't happen to a more deserving recipient. It does however beggar speculation on the size the fat arsehole would have grown to without the throwing up - such is the personal greed of this most loathsome of politicians that I bet he would have made Cyril Smith look like Barack Obama in comparison.

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