Monday, May 5, 2008

Can Boris fix it?

It can only be hoped that one of Boris's first actions as mayor of London is to start asking some serious questions about the organising of the 2012 Olympics and what exactly Londoners - and indeed all us hard-pressed taxpayers - can expect to get for the money this inept government is pouring into the event. From comments from the cross-party Parliamentary Accounts Committee, it seems that while spending has risen to well over double the original estimate, the Department of Culture Media and Sport seems unable to give us any firm answers on this crucial point.

“Despite the £5.9bn increase in the public funding for the Games, the DCMS has not specified what will be delivered in return for this expenditure and the current budget cannot be reconciled to the commitments in the original bid,” it said.

Surprise, surprise.

Labour sold the idea of London hosting the Olympics with a price tag of £4bn. The PAC has found that...

...“It is now clear that the estimated cost at the time of the bid, just over £4bn, was entirely unrealistic.”

Elsewhere in the damning report, it labels...

...government’s evaluation of the cost of hosting the Olympic Games as being “wishful thinking”.

That's being rather charitable:

... Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) had ignored foreseeable major factors such as tax and security in its initial budget.

If that's the case, the word I would use is fraud: This is the sort of ploy one would expect from a firm of cowboy builders. Like some overly-trusting OAP, the British public is being fleeced by Jowell, Livingstone and Coe into wasting billions in something that is actually going to deliver fuck-all benefit to anyone.

The Olympics were already shaping up to be an absolute farce long before the first Polish builder sank his spade into the soil of East London. Remember the £4m wasted on that stupid logo? The outcome is predictable and inevitable: A massively inflated bill for a whole load of facilities that we didn't want and don't need. There has not been any clear statement about where this extra money is going to be spent, and why it wasn't costed as part of the original plans, when it clearly should have been.

If Tessa Jowell ran a building firm along these lines, she could be had up in court for fraud. But then, it wouldn't be the first time a member of that particular family firm had been up before the beak.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Brown and out

I am absolutely ecstatic over Labour's kicking in the local government elections, and particularly chuffed about Boris winning in London. At last, there is the glimmer of light breaking on the horizon that heralds the end of the black nightmare that has been this Labour government.

My only hope now is that the Conservatives don't take their foot off the gas: We need firm policies, decisive action and a cool determination to see the struggle through to its conclusion. But more than that, we need the Conservatives to cast off the cloak of NuLabour style centre-right politics and start talking more like Libertarians: Small government, just laws, low taxes and radical move away from the "database state" and "target culture" to society that is more responsible and accountable.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A flag of inconvenience

In a delicious irony, a flag factory in Southern China has ceased production after twigging that the colourful flags they had been churning out to meet unexpectedly high demand from export customers were in actual fact the standard of the Tibetan government in exile.

According to the BBC, workers thought they were making colorful flags, until they saw footage from Hong Kong of Tibetan supporters waving their flags. Since the flags aren't big sellers in mainland China, it's an understandable mistake.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

The rats jump ship

As a sure indication that The NuLabour ship is looking increasingly dead in the water, NuLab "special advisers" are said to be passing their CVs to headhunters in record numbers. Not wishing to stick around for the inevitable dousing, like the proverbial rats, Labour's spin doctors are reportedly pouring over the rails in an attempt to save their rotten little hides when Captain Brown takes the SS New Labour to the bottom with all hands.

But interestingly, sources within executive recruitment in London are saying that it's actually job hunters with sound Conservative connections that are being snapped up. Clearly, the City thinks the writing's on the wall for Comrade Brown and his incompetent hordes. The thought of the job centre queues being swelled by these poisonous Labourite vermin is gratifying indeed.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

There's lies, damned lies and then there's statistics

If someone were to ask you if you thought violent crime is falling in this country, what would you say? I think most people would say "up" or perhaps a more charitable "no change". I don't think anyone in their right minds would argue that violent crime has gone down by nearly a third since Labour came to power. And yet, that's just what we are being asked to believe.

Cardiff University's Violence and Research Group have been monitoring admissions for violence-related injuries in a representative sample of casualty units since the 1990s. Its research into 29 hospital A&E units are extrapolated to national levels.

For the past eight years, the overall number of people needing treatment has been falling.

In 2007, victims aged over 18 saw the greatest fall in violence, and among over 50s there was a 17% decline. Those aged 18 to 30 remained at greatest risk, making up nearly half of violence-related patients.

To paraphrase Victor Meldrew: I don't fucking believe it! And what a coincidence that news of this amazing reduction in youth crime comes on the same day as the Home Office released its quarterly figures, showing an even more unbelievable 31% reduction in violent crime measured over the last 10 years. And to go with it - of course - we have another initiative:

"That is why the government's recently published Tackling Violence Action Plan includes new resources for healthcare providers, local authorities and the police to share information to ensure that people at risk are protected and offenders are brought swiftly to justice."

Complete and utter fucking lies. Crime is NOT falling; violence is NOT falling. It is the REPORTING of violence that is falling; It is people choosing NOT to wait 5 fucking hours in casualty to see someone. It is people who know full well that the police will be powerless to do anything to help them. It is people TOO FUCKING SCARED to go to an inner city A&E department on a Saturday night. That is the reality of Britain under Labour. Just ask flak jacket Harman.

The rotten heart of London

The Kyodo News Agency reported that last March, Ken Livingstone launched an amazing racist tirade against the Japanese nation, inferring that the Japanese Embassy’s refusal to pay the congestion charge is somehow linked to past war atrocities. Speaking at a news conference about congestion charging, he told the LBC radio station, "I think there are several problems with Japan that we could go on about here. Admitting their guilt for all the war crimes would be one thing. So if they've not got round to doing that, I doubt they're too worried about the congestion charge."

The Embassies of around 50 nations are refusing to pay the congestion charge because they argue the charge is in fact a tax, which under diplomatic law they are therefore exempt from paying. The United States is reported to be the worst offender, notching up an incredible £891,000 in unpaid fines. Several African nations are well over the £500,000 mark, while Japan is sitting on a relatively modest £312,000 of unpaid tickets. The revolt over congestion charging was lead by the US and Germany in 2005. So why doesn’t Ken Livingstone attribute Germany’s refusal to pay to its Nazi beliefs? Or condemn the Americans for their savage imperialism in the Middle East which has left countless thousands dead and whole nations in ruins? Why is it that amongst all the countries of the world, Japan is the only country that warrants Red Ken's tarring with one collective brush?

Perhaps some people would answer that question by saying – like Livingstone – that it’s because the Japanese have never been held to account for wartime aggression. That may or may not be true, but nobody ever asks why that might be: Why is it that comparatively few Japanese wartime leaders were executed or imprisoned after the war? Why is it that Japanese people were never, and still aren’t being given the opportunity to understand and acknowledge their country’s role in the Pacific war? Why doesn’t anybody ever question why the Japanese went to war in the first place?

The injustice of Livingstone’s remarks are that they in effect accuse all Japanese people of being complicit in wartime atrocities, when in actual fact most Japanese people today have very little understanding or knowledge of the war. The US sanctioned the ripping-out that page of the history books to serve its own interests in post-war Asia. It allowed Japanese political, industrial and military leaders to escape trial, so they could help rebuild Japan in America’s image, thus providing a bulwark against the spread of communism in Asia and a convenient trading post for America. Not too mention, of course, a captive supply of cheap manufactured goods, rather like the US theft of the Iraqi people’s oil wealth. Of course it could only achieve this by also changing the perspective of the Japanese people themselves, who were encouraged to believe that their own, pre-US, culture is tainted.

Nobody could seriously argue that the Japanese didn't do some pretty terrible things in the war. But let's also remember that, like Germany, Japan was under a military dictatorship at the time of the war. It’s therefore difficult to see the justification of labelling an entire modern nation as war criminals, for a war they know nothing about and in which very few citizens were actively complicit of their own free will. It would be just as preposterous and outageous to label all American’s “baby-killers” for their guilt in the Vietnam war or all modern-day Germans as Nazis.

In some ways, I agree with Livingstone that war criminals should not be allowed to hide their crimes under a cover of silence. The only problem is, he needs to start a little higher up his list of unpaid parking tickets to find the real modern-day war criminals, namely a Mr G.W.Bush of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

More Prescott comments...

As a postscript to my previous post about that fat oaf Prescott, I have to admit that my gloating has been seriously outclassed by Devil's Kitchen.

He is a fat, corrupt, incompetent, adulterous, lazy, good-for-nothing sex pest and "serial groper"; frankly, the idea that the talentless, deluded, malignant little shit suffered in "misery and silence" for ten years is a source of barely concealed glee as far as your humble Devil is concerned.


...if you are not mature enough to understand that stuffing your porcine features with vast amounts of food and then throwing it up is a bad, stupid and pathetic thing to do, then you are certainly not mature enough to govern this country. For fuck's sake, this man was Deputy Prime Minister of Great Britain!

...and so say all of us

Monday, April 21, 2008

Prescott makes me sick (as well)

I am not normally one to gloat on the misfortunes or afflictions of others. Yet the temptation to lay into John Prescott over the revelation of his history of bulimia is pretty overwhelming. Had it been anyone even remotely civilised that had been thus afflicted, common decency would naturally stay the hand of chastisement. However, this is no civilised person. This is Prescott Two Jags, possibly the most useless politician ever to walk the Earth; a much-reviled titan of ineptitude that squandered vast amounts of our cash in a catalogue of hair-brained initiatives; a bully, a cheat and liar; a man far more interested in availing himself of every possible benefit and convenience, at tax payer's expense, than doing anything remotely useful.

Prescott is an odious human being. Against my better nature, I am curiously satisfied to learn of the corpulent northern twat's personal difficulties. Couldn't happen to a more deserving recipient. It does however beggar speculation on the size the fat arsehole would have grown to without the throwing up - such is the personal greed of this most loathsome of politicians that I bet he would have made Cyril Smith look like Barack Obama in comparison.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Harman hires new spin doctor

Still smarting from the caning she received after the flak jacket incident, Harriet "Role-Play" Harman has sacked her dumbkopff press advisor. Having been caught squarely in the media's crosshairs, Harman has wisely decided to bring in someone with a bit more savvy when it comes to the sensitive issue of covering up her government's woeful record on, well, just about everything really. The new encumbant charged with preventing Harman dropping any more gigantic bollocks is Lyn Bryan - former press secretary to Margeret Beckitt and David Milliband. It transpires that the outgoing aide is actually the wife of another Labour MP with, it appears, no experience of PR or media relations. In other words, an incestuous appointment at taxpayers expense of someone wholly inappropriate to the role. Hmmm...where have I heard that before?

What is bizzare about all this is why Harman needs to employ a professional to tell her that parading around the streets of her constituency wearing a stab proof vest and surrounded by burly police officers doesn't exactly instill confidence in the electorate. Is she really that fucking stupid?